Surety Bonding Made Simple for Nevadans

People visiting Nevada may strike it rich, but Nevada businesses never gamble with the success of their projects. Instead, they look to surety bonding services provided by companies like National Surety Services. We provide Nevada entrepreneurs with a variety of service-oriented bonding services that include:

  • Janitorial bonds
  • Maintenance bonds
  • Bid bonds
  • Payment bonds
  • Performance bonds
  • 8A contractor bonds
  • Nevada SBA Bonding
  • Nevada Department of Transportation Bonding
  • Two day turnaround on all new accounts
  • One page, credit-based application for many services

Nevada Bonding Services

Something new is always going up on the Las Vegas Strip, and the rest of the State of Nevada stays busy with construction as well. These projects improve conditions for state residents while providing new attractions for the state’s booming tourism industry. National Surety Services wants to be a part of this continual betterment by providing comprehensive surety bonding services. Using our 20 year experience, we offer customers an unprecedented level of support and guidance for securing bonding with values up to $6 million.

Nevada DOT Bonding

Nevada’s miles upon miles of desert highways do not build themselves, and neither do the ongoing improvements to roads and interstates near the populous Clark County. The Nevada Department of Transportation helps these projects happen, and companies that secure DOT bonding can become contractors on them. They can simplify their Nevada DOT bonding application process or expand their current project and aggregate limits with the assistance NSSI provides.

Nevada SBA Bonding

Nevada businesses can secure up to $6.5 million through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Bond Guarantee Program. National Surety Services reduces the resources needed to secure this bonding by providing a complete SBA bonding application package using just one click. Our experienced bonding experts can also help companies apply to increase their project bonding limits.

Any Nevada businesses interested in our services can explore our website to learn more. They can also contact us at 770-394-9444 or toll-free at 1-800-953-6699 or by using our convenient contact form.

Nevada entered the Union as the 36th in 1864 after a huge gold rush created a population boom. The state continues to be the world’s second largest producer of gold behind South Africa, although all the gold won on Vegas tables does not count! Nevada is also the site of the Hoover Dam, one of the biggest of its kind. Projects like the Hoover Dam can be made possible through the financial security surety bonds can provide, including those offered by National Surety Services, Inc.